Pricing Policy

We have following 4 CSR projects in which you can help us

  • Mega Youth Festival

  • Value Education

  • Anti Addiction

  • Free food distribution

You can support us in these activities by donating one-time as well as regularly by Monthly subscription for this visit

We utilise aggregated donation in a month in following percentages or if want that your donation to be utlised for particular project then we also do that and how your donation is utilised can be known by visiting our office.

EVOLVE is registered as a non-profitable organization under the Section 8 Company, 2020 (Incorporation number – U80901UP2020NPL138448). The trust deed will be made available on request.

Tax Benefits 80G.
All donations to India Tribal Care Trust are tax exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Our receipt carries this message and the receipt will suffice for claiming tax exemption. The tax rebate is 50% of your contribution to India Tribal Care Trust.